One of my favorite parts of spring is my daughters' annual dance recital! And, I love to make a special treat for her friends in the dance class. These tutu cookies might just be one of my favorite designs, and I love that they aren't too complicated either.
We made a video of this design. You'll notice something new...a few icons!
The stop sign indicates that at that point of decorating, I stopped and let the icing dry in front of a fan for an hour or two.
The piping bag shows what number icing tip I'm using. I hope this helpful visual makes these videos a little more how-to (while still being quick and fun!)'s the video!
So let's review a step-by-step!
1. Outline the white bodice of the tutu. To avoid a short torso, I put a guide dot about 1/4" down from the waistline to help guide my outline. I added two shoulder straps at the top.
2. Next, I outlined the skirt. I left room for the ruffle at the base.
3. Then using stiff white icing and a tip #101, I piped the ruffle. The secret is in the icing consistency and the angle of the tip. Skinny side up with stiff icing... you want that ruffle to hold its shape!
4. Now that my cookie is outlined, I flooded the white and let that dry for an hour or two in front of a fan.
5. Then I flooded the pink skirt. I let the cookie dry for an hour or two in front of a fan.
6. Now time for details (the fun part)! Add skirt lines (tip #2)
7. I add a highlight line at the top of the bodice with dark pink.
8. To clean up the hem of the skirt at the ruffle, I add a quick bead border.
9. Then I add two rosettes with the star tip #13. Keep your icing bag straight up (90 degree angle) to get a perfectly swirled rosette.
10. Add two mini leaves with tip #349.
11. Finally I added two seams and a scalloped line on the bodice. A simple detail, but I think it is so pretty and finishes the design. Tip #1 will keep it delicate!
This is the cutter used to make the cookie, the tutu cookie cutter. And it is available here.
Here are a few tips that I create the ruffle, I used tip #101. It is available here in the shop.
And for the cute rosette, tip #13. It's in the shop here too!
And, the mini leaf tip #349. Available here!
Happy Decorating!