
For the Boys

Posted by Anne Yorks on Sunday, March 21, 2010

Do you believe in taking a day of rest? I do, but the challenge is finding the time. My weekly schedule includes taking care of my family, cleaning, activities, helping my mom, and balancing web and event cookie orders (that typically fall on weekends). I find that by the time I get home from church on Sunday, my mental to-do list has me busy until bedtime. 

But what happens when I stop to drink a cup of coffee on the deck during my daughter's nap (like today). Or to read a few chapters in a book that's just for fun (like the 'Lunch in Paris' book I got for my birthday). Or to watch a few minutes of a cooking show on the Food Network while I craft a witty blog post (like I'm doing right now. I'm giving Melissa D'Arabian another shot at earning my viewership). I feel like me, that's what happens. And it feels so good. And then...I feel like I can take on the world for one more week. Rest is good and I'm so glad for the 7th day of the week. Here's hoping that I remember to do this again next week, right? Or maybe the to-do list will overcome me. I certainly hope not.

So onto some cookie biz...

Lately, I've been covering the cute, Springy projects I've been working on for Easter. But not today. Nope. Today is about dirt and trucks and boys. I have to say, my comfort zone is girly princess, dresses, shoes, wedding, and baby stuff. So the challenge to break out of that arena is always welcomed. I love stretching my creativity and trying something new.

Enter the monster truck...

This truck is adapted from the famous Grave Digger. Have you seen this thing? It's a little intimidating...

You know, like the big skull on the side? Yipe!

So I set out to make a green and purple monster truck. But I wanted something really special for this cookie because the customer is really special. So I picked up a little bottle of luster dust. 

And I painted the pipes, fenders, and hubcaps silver to make them look like chrome. Can you see the sheen? It was very cool in person, but the picture might not do it justice.

Maybe this close-up is a little better?

So neat! I can think of a couple of other cool applications for this stuff. It was time consuming, though. I had to dip my (food-only) paintbrush into water (some people use vodka), then dab in the dust, and then paint the cookie. I also learned a few things along the way. I think it might go easier the second time around.

In the end I was so happy that I went the extra mile to add a special detail. Especially after seeing the birthday cake. The guest of honor's mother made this...

She makes amazing cakes! I know because I got to try a piece of the leftovers from when she carved the truck. YUM! I am signing up to be a taste tester! She tipped me off on a few secrets for this cake. The wheels are actually donuts covered in fondant. And I love the detail on the side of the truck...hand piped buttercream icing of course! The 'dirt' around the truck is brown sugar.

Good news...she is now making cakes for customers including, birthday, baby, graduation, wedding...etc. I don't think there is a cake she wouldn't do. I can pass along information to anyone that might be interested in ordering from her. Just email me at anne@flourboxbakery.com She has a nice portfolio of previous work available.

It's time to go enjoy more nice weather and rest. I hope you're making the time too!

Have a sweet day,