So this year we decide to do a PINK theme for my daughter's 3rd Birthday Party. I loved this theme! No silly characters or expensive plates and decorations. The generic pink stuff looks great and it is so much less expensive. Plus, we invited our guests to play along. Everyone was invited to wear pink to the party! (you'll notice a little blue & white in the picture too. The party was also the same day as a Penn State game)
Oh my goodness - the pink theme made for some great pictures! Little girls in pink dresses giving hugs. Is there anything cuter?
Yes, maybe the little boy wearing the pink polo shirt. Now, that was cute!
Of course, I made cookie party favors for our guests. That will be the focus of today's post. In the next post I'll show the dessert table, cupcakes, and other party details from the PINK party!
For the cookies, I used my all-time favorite cookie cutter - the birthday cake!
I've made this cake so many times, so many ways. I never tire of this cookie cutter.
Birthdays and weddings...
Showers and more birthdays...
A steampunk birthday and a fish birthday...
More bridal showers and anniversaries...
Daisy birthday and white, white wedding...
This was the first PINK birthday cake I've made.
Our napkins, tableclothes and streamers were light and dark pink. So I decided to make two varieties of cookies. One had light pink icing dripping down over the layers and the other had dark pink.
I also alternated the the pink on the shell border at the base of the cake. The light pink cakes got a dark pink border and vice versa.
The base of the cakes also matched the candles. So if it had a dark pink shell border, then it also had dark pink candles.
I loved the dripping icing layers. I made them look super drippy, and then of course I had to add some polka dots!
Topher had some fun taking the photos.
The perspective in this photo is fun. Makes me want to blow out the candle and make a wish!
The cookies were a huge hit! I made three dozen and had just enough to save one for my little girl!
Did I mention she was turning 3? Seems like a whole new world to me.
Here are the favors dressed and displayed on the PINK dessert table. I'll show more pictures of the sweets in the next post!
I think I'll be adding this cake to the regular line up on the website. I think it's too cute!
I hope you have a sweet weekend! Can't wait to show you the dessert table soon!