Operation Halloween Cookie Contest is off to a great start! In case you haven't heard, Flour Box Bakery is being taken over by 15 Penn State students from the class Eng 310 - Entrepreneurial Leadership. You can read more about it in my last post by clicking here.
Yesterday was the first deadline of the project. Each team, there are 4, had to develop their product information. When I met with them this past Monday, I brought with me 6 different Halloween and Fall cookie collections. Each team got to pick one collection as their team's product. I didn't want the last team to feel 'stuck' with their collection - which is why I made 2 extra. This allowed each team a choice. (Don't worry, I'll be saving the two collections not selected for Halloween 2011. One of them was my favorite and I was a little surprised it didn't get picked!!)
The students are responsible for creating a product title name, a description and web tag words. They also had to confirm their team's name - a cookie/baking themed name. You'll be meeting each of the 4 teams soon. They will be introducing themselves early next week via their own blog post. I have to say I was very impressed with the creativity that went into each team's product information. I was also so pleased that they all made the first deadline. I think things are off to a great start!!
The sales portion of the project will launch October 13th! I encourage you to check out their work that day and support your favorite team by purchasing their product. I will be pumping out the cookies during the open sales period (Oct 13th - 25th) and all Halloween orders will ship October 26-28th. I'm just so excited to show you what WE have to offer!
In other Flour Box Bakery news...I spoke at the Bellefonte Kiwanis Club meeting last week and helped them kick off their Annual Rose Sale by bringing in light and dark pink rose cookies!!

They were a fun group. They had me laughing and smiling the whole time. Here I am with the president!

You can order a dozen roses - real ones, not cookies - from the Kiwanians by contacting my friends Sharen and Ted Reigh, the chairpersons of the rose sale. They have set a goal of 1000 dozen!!! The roses are two choices, red or multi colors for the super deal of $18 per dozen. Roses will be delivered to your door! Roses maybe purchased from any Kiwanian or by calling Sharen or Ted Reigh at 814-355-0069. Roses will be delivered on Thursday, October 28.
Bellefonte Kiwanis Club’s mission is serving our children. All profits from the rose sale are designated for Kiwanis projects.
So with all that said, I don't have much time to explain the following photos. I wrote a brief caption. But they say a picture is worth a 1,000 words, so I'll mostly let the photos speak for themselves. This is what I've been up to when I haven't been hanging with the Kiwanians or planning out the Halloween project. It's been quite busy over here! In the past two weeks I have shipped to LA, NYC, Vegas, and Orlando - just to name a few. I'm so blessed! Thank you to all the customers that have ordered Flour Box cookies for their special event!!
Enjoy the photos!!
15 Dozen Golf Orders
A few blue owls...
Just a few ; )
A shoe themed bridal shower
A monogrammed cookie for a wedding celebration.
Keeping them uniform looking was a big challenge!!
A golden anniversary party.
With two different cake designs.
Dressed with the black satin ribbon, ready for the party!!
Lots and lots and lots of bride hearts for several showers and a wedding!!
Guitars for a CD release party.
A custom order of lemon cookies for a special college student.
Painters Palette's for a special art show. The artist is only 18 years old and she is visually impaired. Thus the name, Beyond Sight.
I ended up making these cookies two ways. One with the regular alphabet...and one with the Braille alphabet.
These Braille cookies are neat because they are tactile and can actually be read!! I am working on another Braille project due this week - I will be sure to post photos!
Bridal gowns with deep green accents.
A cream colored bridal dress with a lace overlay. This was a fun cookie to make. I loved the final product.
Just look at the detail!
And the detail up top. I hear the bride loved her special cookie!
Then I had my regular website orders. A housewarming...
Football party...
Thank you gift...
And a few baby showers in the mix!
Oh yes - and there is always a birthday going on!!
{Deep Breath}
And now it's time to get back to baking and decorating. It's homecoming at Penn State this weekend. I have tailgate orders and a super cool train order for a birthday party!
Have a very sweet weekend!!