The Cookie Lanterns Present 'Pumpkin Patch' {GIVEAWAY}
Posted by Anne Yorks on Saturday, October 9, 2010
**A Note from Anne: The Halloween Cookie Project is just about to get started! Did you know that 15 Penn State students are taking over the business side of Flour Box Bakery in October? Read more about this project with the class ENG 310-Entrepreneurial Leadership by clicking here. This is the first of four blog posts that will introduce the four Penn State teams and their products. Each team selected one cookie collection and is responsible for writing the product information, a blog post, and facebook and twitter updates. Plus, each blog post will feature a contest created by each team for FREE COOKIES!! A total of 4 cookie gifts will be given away! All four collections will be available for sale starting October 13th. Orders must be placed by October 25th. Quantities are fixed and the first team to sell out wins!! All orders will ship between Oct. 26 - 28**

The Cookie Lanterns consist of two engineers and two business majors. Katie Mulvaney is a junior majoring in Engineering Science. She hails from Pittsburgh, PA, and runs on the Club Cross Country team. Ryan Yoest is a senior majoring in Agricultural Systems Management. He hails from Washington, PA, and raises Texas Longhorn cattle. Andrew Kim is a junior in the HRIM program. He’s from Ramsey, NJ, and has a talent for baking cookies. Emmanuel Maru is a junior in Accounting and is a native of Gaithersburg, MD. He can hold his breath for three minutes underwater.
As our team was discussing the project at hand, we all decided that going on a hayride to pick out pumpkins and carving them into jack-o-lanterns was one of our favorite Autumn past times. Coming home from school, it was always nice to have those goofy faces smiling back at you as you came in the door. With picking out costumes, decorating the house, and fall sports in full swing, it’s hard some years to find time to carve the pumpkins , not to mention how messy the whole ordeal can be! Why not get some jack-o-lantern pumpkin cookies from Flour Box Bakery as a sweet and tasty alternative to your favorite grinning pals?
The Pumpkin Patch gourmet cookie collection will do just the trick! This set comes with 14 pumpkin shaped sugar cookies, 10 large and four small. Freshly baked and made with all natural ingredients, these jack-o-lanterns are sure to put a smile on your face with their unique expressions. Most of the cookies are hand decorated with fun faces (which the Cookie Lanterns tried to imitate). These little guys will make a great decorative addition to your Halloween party this year!
Now that you’ve learned a little about us and our collection, it’s time
for the Cookie Lantern’s HALLOWEEN JOKE CONTEST!
How to Enter
Anybody with a Twitter or Facebook account can enter. The contestants must upload their funniest Halloween joke to Flour Box Bakery’s Facebook or Twitter page along with their email so we can contact the winner. The winner will win a fine box of Flour Box Bakery’s jack-o-lantern themed cookies. Jokes must be appropriate, original, and of course funny.
How We Will Pick the Winner
The winner will be chosen by the Cookie Lantern Co. The funniest Halloween-themed joke will win the contest and will be judged by our four main executives; Katie, Ryan, Andrew, and Emmanuel. The winner will be contacted via email and we’ll get your information so we can send you your prize!
1. Only one joke per contestant.
2. Any inappropriate jokes will be automatically disqualified.
3. Keep it Fun.
*The contest begins now!*
*The deadline for entering the contest will be October 17, 2010.*
*The contest winner will be announced October 20, 2010.*
We can’t wait to read your jokes! Thank you for reading our blog post, and we hope you have a wonderful Halloween.