Mommy summer school is fun, but we are really looking forward to our beach vacation. We're heading back to Avalon, NJ for some fun in the sun!
I made these cookies for a beach-loving birthday girl.

The colors for the party were creamy beige and light rosy pink.

Even though there is an official sand dollar cookie cutter in this world, I just used my round cutter and then make the exterior outline a little wonky like a real sand dollar. After adding the sand dollar detail in the center, I gently pressed each cookie into a fine, pale yellow sugar crystal. I actually did a tester cookie with a pink sugar version. But I preferred the pale yellow over the pink.
The starfish cookie also had a rim of pale yellow sugar on the cookie outline. Then I added edible pearls to the body of the starfish for detail.
How did you (or will you) celebrate the last day of school at your house?

We took our little munchkin out to our favorite little cafe in Bellefonte, The Cafe on the Park.

Topher met us there and surprised our little girl with a beautiful bouquet of flowers!
We ordered lunch, and then just before it arrived, the train came whistling through town - this is always a highlight! We stand at the railing and watch until the very last car passes.

As always, the lunch was fantastic. Simple food, prepared perfectly and always super fresh!

Cute pic of Topher, but the real star of the photo is the 'Cafe Sandwich'!

I get the same thing almost every time, the chopped salad with homemade ranch dressing on the side.

And for the little one, a half sandwich with applesauce on a monkey plate.

Since the cafe does not use their loaf butts (the end of the bread), they offered us a huge bag of bread to feed to the ducks at Talleyrand Park. Talk about full service!!
After lunch, we enjoyed a sunny trip to the park with our big bag of bread.

There are lots of duck babies at the park this time of year! We always make sure they get a few nibbles.

Here's a little youtube video of our trek through the park feeding the ducks.
I love my little girl so much! I hope she had a special last day of school. I'm so thankful to her preschool teacher for giving her the best first year ever. I know the most important thing she learned this year was having a love for learning. We are already looking forward to next year when my little scholar will be in with the 4-year class .... where is the time going??

Have a sweet, sweet summer!!