Merry Christmas! I hope you are all enjoying a blessed holiday with your families and friends.
I am too. I have to say I cheated a little bit and wrote this blog ahead of time so that I didn't need to do it on Christmas day. Simply because we are probably having a great morning of family and gifts and breakfast (our family tradition is a bacon/egg baked in a cupcake tin - YUM!)
Did you get your paper this morning? If you're a Centre Daily Times subscriber, you might have read this with your morning's an article about Flour Box Bakery!!!
Pretty Cool, huh? I am excited. If you're out of the area, you can read the article at this link:
I interviewed with Jessica Vanderkolk, the CDT reporter, on Thursday. I had so much fun chatting with her about my Christmas Village and Flour Box Bakery.
I made these jolly Santas to demonstrate how I decorate my cookies. I think he was a fun example. The inspiration came from a cookie that's what made him so roly poly.
Can you see what shape I used? I ended up using my snowman cookie cutter. It worked perfectly.
Thank goodness for my heatgun. I couldn't get started on these cookies until after 10 pm and I was pooped. So I used my heat gun to speed up the drying process. It also added a nice sheen to the cookie (read more about heat guns and cookies here).
I keep this Santa simple. He really didn't need much detail. The holy leaves and berries were a last minute add.
Thank you again to Jessica from the Centre Daily Times for the nice article! What a wonderful Christmas surprise for me!!
Have a very sweet and merry Christmas,