

Posted by Anne Yorks on Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sometimes in life you find out about a difficult situation and you wonder if there is a way to help out. A local family is going through a very tough time and I was praying and praying for them. I wanted to help, but I didn't know what I could do. Then I got an email from the mom and she asked if I could make cookies for her little girl's birthday party. Yes, that's it...cookies! I can help with cookies! It's a small but sweet way to share a little a love.

I made these cookies for a very special girl, who is the bravest big sister around. I mean, at only 4 years, she is amazing. I hope this small little cookie order made her special day a little sweeter! 

And who doesn't love Olivia the Pig? She is spunky and creative. 

Here is an assortment of the different cookies on the platter. This was my favorite of the 4 Olivia cookies. The other cookies are inspired by the styles and fonts on the actual Olivia story books.

This photo is a little dark, but it's the only one I have of the pig cookies. She is quite cookieable, no?

Here are a few group shots of the other designs...

Just look at that smile. She might be president some day.

Thank you again to Aubrey and her family for providing me with an opportunity to help. My prayers will continue for you all!

Have a sweet day,
