The LilaLoa Cookie Companion Cookie Cutter Set

Current price: $21.99


LilaLoa Cookie Cutter Set of 10 stainless steel cookie cutters from professional cookie decorator, Georganne Bell.  Shapes included in set are: burst (or plaque), cake stand, bouquet, baby, ribbon, bird, cake slice, candle, rattle, and gift. Cutter Sizes: Cake slice: 3¼"x 3½", Baby: 3½"x 4½", Cake stand: 3"x 4½", Ribbon: 2½"x 4¼", Rattle: 2" x 3¾", Gift: 2¼" x 3¾", Candle: 1½" x 4", Bouquet: 2¼"x 5", Burst: 4¼" x 3½", Bird: 4"x 2½".